The Mid-Atlantic Justice Coalition is a partnership between nonprofit and community-based organizations in Delaware, Maryland, DC, and Virginia. The coalition aims to build people power and forge a just society with good economic opportunities and a safe environment in the Mid-Atlantic region.


The Coalition’s Principles:

  • Respond with urgency to the twin crises of inequality and environmental destruction, which have imperiled our own lives and those of communities worldwide.

  • Repair harms to our environment and to ourselves.

  • Create a healthy and just society in which people can flourish in harmony with nature and in harmony with one another.

  • Build unity and power across a diverse cross-section of people from across our region.

  • Ensure that people who bear the brunt of social and environmental harms are central in determining what we fight for and how we fight.

  • Prioritize justice and equity, and oppose any policy that neglects or punishes communities who are already overburdened.

  • Fight for bold solutions that match the environmental and economic justice needs of and challenges faced by all; especially workers, lower-wealth communities, communities of color, and other marginalized people.

  • Distribute resources among coalition partners in a transparent and equitable way.

  • Foster healthy movement cultures that proactively address racism, sexism, classism, and other oppressive internal behaviors and aim for deep, meaningful inclusion.

  • Live our values as best we can, but acknowledge also our imperfection, and give each other grace to learn and do better.

  • Commit ourselves to the following: